N.E.F & Partners

About Us

N.e.f & Partners

About Us

LAW OFFICE N.E.F & Partners is a law office placed in Jakarta specializing in Litigation and Non-Litigation services both in Civil, Business, Criminal, Banking, Corporate, State Administration, Land, Labor (PHI), Family and all aspects the law.

The establishment of the N.E.F & Partners LAW OFFICE is oriented to provide law services. Overall, technically superior and commercially viable. Since its establishment, the Law Office of N.E.F & Partners has certainly answered all the needs of service users (clients) both in the areas of private law and public law.

Law Office N.E.F & Partners is a law office that has the ability with a license to handle various legal issues throughout Indonesia. With the great teamwork of young lawyers who have handled legal defense and assistance, we have a strong commitment and great responsibility to handle various legal issues. N.E.F & Partners LAW OFFICE acts on the client’s trust, by protecting the rights and interests of the client and maintaining client confidentiality.

Advocates and Legal Consultants who are partners at N.E.F & Partners LAW OFFICES each have competence and experience in the legal field involving various business fields, so that they can provide the best service according to client needs at an efficient cost.

LAW OFFICE N.E.F & Partners also has extensive relationships and networks of cooperation with various parties, both with Notaries, Police, Prosecutors and Courts as well as other State Institutions as a form of credibility, experience and reliability in the field of law, both litigation and non-litigation.

N.e.f & Partners

Legal Entity

LAW OFFICE N.E.F & Partners is a legal entity in the form of a Civil Partnership (Maatchaap) as stated in the Deed of Establishment of a Civil Partnership Number 01 dated July 10, 2017 which was signed before Notary DR. H. IDHAM, S.H., M.Kn. and has been amended as stated in the Deed of Amendment to Civil Partnership (Maatchap) Number 14 dated 24 April 2019 signed before a Notary & PPAT DARMHARTO, S.H., M.Kn.



To become a leading, trusted, professional, and integrity law firm and legal consultant by presenting solutions for legal entities and individuals who have legal problems by prioritizing knowledge based on professional ethics in order to create access to justice for the entire community.



  1. Provide legal services on behalf of clients in solving legal problems by prioritizing high and responsible professional standards
  2. Maintain commitment and integrity to serve clients in accordance with legal interests in order to reach an agreement and satisfactory results.
  3. Be open to clients in handling each entrusted case.
  4. Maintain trust in clients on an ongoing basis by providing protection for the rights and interests of clients.


Untuk menjadi kantor hukum dan konsultan hukum terdepan, terpercaya, profesional, dan berintegritas dengan menghadirkan solusi bagi badan hukum maupun perorangan yang mempunyai masalah hukum dengan mengutamakan keilmuan yang dilandasi etika profesi demi terciptanya akses keadilan bagi seluruh masyarakat.



  1. Memberikan layanan jasa hukum mewakili klien dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan hukum dengan mengutamakan standar profesional yang tinggi dan bertanggung jawab
  2. Menjaga komitmen dan integritas melayani klien sesuai dengan kepentingan hukum bertujuan mencapai kesepakatan dan hasil yang memuaskan.
  3. Terbuka kepada klien dalam melakukan penanganan terhadap setiap kasus yang dipercayakan.
  4. Menjaga kepercayaan terhadap klien secara berkelanjutan dengan memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak dan kepentingan klien.