Legal Services

Litigation Case

Litigation services provided by N.E.F & Partners Law Offices are limited to the scope of:

1. General Civil Law

General Civil Cases are cases concerning disputes between individual interests or between the interests of a government agency and individual interests (for example: disputes regarding sale and purchase agreements, leases, inheritance distribution, and so on).

The general civil cases that we handle include the following:

    1. Accounts Payable Case
    2. Default Lawsuit
    3. Execution Auction Lawsuit
    4. Lawsuit for Unlawful Acts
    5. Cooperation Dispute Lawsuit
    6. Name Change Application
    7. Correction of the Origin of People
    8. Defamation Lawsuits and others

2. Special Civil Law

Special civil cases are civil cases regulated through special laws and regulations.

The specific Civil Cases that we handle include:

    1. Application for Declaration of Bankruptcy and Application for Suspension of Obligation for Payment of Debt
    2. Intellectual Property Rights
    3. Arbitration
    4. Cases with the Business Competition Supervisory Commission 
    5. Cases with the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency
    6. Industrial Relations Settlement
    7. Political Party Case
    8. Public Information Disclosure Case

3. General Criminal Law

General criminal law is criminal law that applies to all people as legal subjects without discriminating from one another. It can also be said that general criminal law is criminal law in codification

4. Special Criminal Law

Special criminal law is the provisions of criminal law which are materially outside the codification of laws outside this codification, for example the Corruption Law, Narcotics Law, Terrorism Law and so on.

Special criminal cases/cases are types of cases that are outside the general criminal law which regulates certain actions or applies to certain people. Special crimes are part of criminal law.

Special criminal law also only applies to certain legal subjects, meaning that not all Indonesian citizens can be subject to special criminal laws, even though all citizens have the potential as subjects of the special criminal law.

In the field of handling special criminal law cases, our office can handle various legal cases of special crime categories. Some of the special criminal law cases that we can handle include:

    1. Money Laundering
    2. Narcotics & Psychotropics
    3. Population Crime
    4. Food Crime
    5. Fisheries & Marine Crime
    6. Transportation & Aviation Crime
    7. Telecommunication Crime
    8. Education Crime
    9. Import & Excise Crime
    10. Citizenship & Immigration
    11. Corruption & Gratification
    12. Pornography Crime
    13. Domestic Violence / Domestic Violence
    14. Forestry Crime
    15. Health Crime
    16. Child Protection
    17. Criminal Law It
    18. Consumer Protection
      And others

5. State Administrative Law

State administrative law is a series of rules, norms, and legal principles that govern the implementation of state administrative law. In Indonesian law, the legal power of state administration is held by a State Administrative Court within the Supreme Court.

State administrative law regulates the process and procedure for litigation in the Administrative Court, so it is often referred to as the Administrative Court’s procedural law. In general, the administrative law procedural law regulates the actions of a person/private or legal entity that maintains rights and ways to defend and enforce state administrative law before a state administrative court. The State Administrative High Court is also tasked with and authorized to examine and decide at the first and final level disputes over authority to adjudicate between State Administrative Courts within their jurisdiction.

The absolute competence of PTUN is to examine, adjudicate, and decide disputes that arise in the field of state administration between a person or civil legal entity and state administrative bodies or officials as a result of the issuance of a TUN Decree, including employment disputes based on applicable laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the relative competence of PTUN concerns the authority of a TUN Court which is authorized to examine, hear, and decide on the case.

Below are some legal cases that we can handle through the State Administrative Court, including:

    1. Government Employees Termination
    2. Military & Police Dismissal
    3. Dismissal of Regional Officials
    4. Village Civil Service Termination
    5. Land Certificate Cancellation Lawsuit
    6. Demotion
    7. Rejection of Official Appointment
      And so forth