N.E.F & Partners Law Office provides services to clients in the scope of:
1. Company Law
Corporate law (corporate law) is a law that regulates the ins and outs of the legal form of the company. Company law is a specialization of several chapters in the Civil Code and the KUHD (codification) plus other laws and regulations governing companies (written law that has not been codified). In accordance with the development of today’s trading world, part of company law is new legal regulations. If the commercial law (KUHD) is a special law (lex specialis) against civil law (KUH Perdata) which is lex generalis in nature, so also corporate law is a special law against commercial law.
2. Tax Law
Tax law is a set of regulations that regulate rights and obligations, as well as the relationship between taxpayers and the government as tax collectors. The government in this case is represented by the Directorate General of Taxes, which is authorized to take a person’s wealth in the form of tax payments. Tax law is also part of public law, because tax law regulates the relationship between the government and taxpayers.
Tax Law Function
- Tax law serves as a reference in creating a tax collection system that is based on justice, efficiency, and is regulated as clearly as possible in the Law on tax law.
- Serves as a source that explains who the subjects and objects need or not to be used as sources of tax collection in order to increase the overall tax potential
3. Hunting/Employment Law
Labor law is part of the law relating to the regulation of labor relations both individually and collectively. Traditionally, labor law has focused on those (workers/laborers) who perform work in a subordinate employment relationship (with employers/employers/employers).
This legal discipline covers issues such as legal arrangements for work agreements/agreements, reciprocal rights and obligations between workers/workers and employers, determination and protection of wages, job security, occupational health and safety in the work environment, non-discrimination, agreements collective/collective work, the participation of trade unions, the right to strike, and the provision of welfare guarantees for workers and their families.
4. Family Law.
Family Law is the entirety of legal norms (whether written or unwritten) which regulates the legal relationship of marriage, divorce, property in marriage, parental power, guardianship and guardianship.